Thursday, June 30, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, my faith is being challenged today. Things aren't going the way I'd like them to. But, I know that you are still good.⁣
+You already given me everything I need to overcome this obstacle. I am leaning on You, because I know you are strong enough to hold me up.⁣
+Thank You for taking care of me. In Jesus' name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿช„๐Ÿค๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒป

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

GOD IS GOOD all the time!

๐Ÿ™ God, You know exactly what I’m going through right now. You’re not surprised or intimidated by it.⁣⁣
+Thank You for always being near, consistent, and protective. You never fail me. Today, please remind me of how close You are.⁣⁣
+As I reach out to You, please come and rescue me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿค๐Ÿช„

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, life can be really hard at times. Help me to find joy in hard seasons because I know that You're using them to make me a better person.⁣
+Give me the strength to endure and the courage to persevere. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿค๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿช„

Monday, June 27, 2022


I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I will help you.’⁣
- Isaiah 41:13 NCV⁣
+Let us think that fear and faith produce very similar emotions. While fear says, with a tone of doubt: "What will happen if I take this step?",⁣⁣
+Faith asks the same question, but with a tone of expectation, of hope, of joy and courage, believing in what God can do.⁣⁣
+Feeling fear is not bad; it makes us human. The problem lies in allowing ourselves to be dominated by it, allowing it to paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward.⁣⁣
+Have you ever felt fear, thinking that God's face is far from you?⁣⁣
+There are battles we cannot avoid, but the good thing is that we can face them knowing that God is with us.⁣⁣
+What are you avoiding in your life that you need to confront face to face?⁣⁣
+Don't be discouraged! God has called you to overcome your fears. He has given you the victory and he will fulfill what he has promised. ☝️⁣⁣
๐Ÿ™ Father, I thank you that you are with me at all times. Help me to overcome that which wants to limit me.⁣⁣
+Give me the courage to face my fears head on, and renew my thoughts to replace fear with faith.⁣⁣
+Increase my strength and lift my gaze. In Jesus' name. Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ❣️๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒป

Sunday, June 26, 2022


+My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy,⁣⁣
+because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience.⁣⁣
+Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need.⁣⁣
-James 1:2‭-‬4 NCV⁣ ♡⁣⁣
+When inevitable trials come, our first strategy, according to James, is to consider it all joy.⁣⁣
+To consider it all joy in the midst of our trials is to respond with a deliberate, intelligent appraisal of our situation.⁣⁣
+We must learn to look at the experience from God’s perspective and recognize the trial not as a happy experience in itself but as a means of producing something very valuable in life.⁣⁣
+As you live in the present consider the future, think forward to the future. Gloom now, but glory in the days to come.⁣⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, there are things in my life that are holding me down. I am not strong enough to escape this on my own.⁣⁣
+Please take control of my situation, and allow me to walk in Your freedom. I trust You today. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️❣️

Saturday, June 25, 2022


+Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you.⁣
-1 Peter 5:7 NCV ๐ŸŒป⁣

๐Ÿ™ God, You know that I need You. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve pretended that I’m fine on my own. Please forgive me.⁣
+Today, I come to You just as I am, and I give You all of my anxieties, cares, and worries.⁣
+Please replace worry with peace, anxiety with hope, and concern with confident trust.⁣
+I know that I am safe with You, and You can handle my problems. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿช„❣️

Friday, June 24, 2022


+Whenever you fall away from him, God comes searching for you, wanting the relationship to be restored.⁣
+God wants you to be real with him. He does not want you to pretend that all is well.⁣
+He wants to hear the cry of your heart. This draws you close to him, even in times of great distress.⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, nothing is impossible for You. You love me even when I’m unlovable.⁣
+You are good to me even when I don’t deserve it. You are kind and compassionate toward me even when I mess up.⁣
+You show me what faithful love looks like. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking me!⁣
+Today, remind of the ways You have shown up in my life so that way I can intentionally praise You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ❣️๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒป

Thursday, June 23, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, I’m so grateful that I can come to You with any situation, and You will hear and answer me.⁣
+Today, I come to You with my questions, concerns, and plans for the future.⁣
+Please help me to listen to Your voice, and trust Your direction. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ❣️

Wednesday, June 22, 2022


+I will wait for the Lord... I will put my trust in him.⁣
-Isaiah 8:17⁣
+There are times when we might feel as if God isn't with us in our troubles. That's when we depend on what we can see of His works in our lives, in the past and present.⁣
+They're the visible reminder of an invisible God - a God who is always with us and will answer in His own time and way.⁣
๐Ÿ™ Father, thank You for always being there for me. Give me the strength to trust in You even when I don't understand what's going on. In Jesus name, Amen! ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿฅบ❣️

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


[God] has made everything beautiful in its time.⁣
-Ecclesiastes 3:11⁣
+Life may be unpredictable and sometimes filled with painful separations, but we can take heart that everything takes place under God's gaze.⁣
+We can enjoy life and treasure the moments - THE GOOD AND THE BAD - for our loving God is with us.⁣
๐Ÿ™ Thank you, loving Father, for watching over all seasons of my life.⁣
+Help me to trust in You and enjoy the life You've given me. In Jesus name, Amen. ๐ŸŒป❣️๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿช„

Monday, June 20, 2022


+Choose to praise and exalt God in every season of your life.⁣⁣
+Choose to diligently seek Him in every aspect of your life.⁣⁣
+Let God's Word build out the framework of every season of your life.⁣⁣
+Sometimes you may not understand what's going on around you but choose to trust God in every season.⁣⁣
+He knows your ending even before time began. ☝️⁣⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, You are good. No matter what goes on around me—You are good. You are worthy of praise because You are God.⁣⁣
+You provide for me, strengthen me, deliver me, and heal me. Even when I don’t see You at work in my life, that doesn’t change the fact that You are working.⁣⁣
+There is no one like You. So regardless of what I face today, I will praise You! In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿช„❣️๐ŸŒป

Sunday, June 19, 2022

God Is with You Through It All⁣⁣⁣⁣

+Remember, what you’re going through now isn’t going to last forever. When I’m going through a hard time, I like to remind myself, “This too shall pass.”⁣⁣
+In the meantime, you can choose to place your trust in God and remember that things will change...a new season is right around the corner.⁣⁣
+It’s so important to stay in God’s Word and encourage yourself with scriptures like Isaiah 41:10. God says, Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you...(AMPC).⁣⁣
+I encourage you to never, ever give up. Continue to place your hope and trust in God.⁣⁣
+Because He sees what you’re going through, and He’s with you every step of the way.⁣⁣
+With God’s help, you can make it through the storm and come out stronger on the other side.⁣⁣
+Wherever you are right now—whatever storm you are facing—please know how deeply you are loved and that you are enough.⁣⁣
+God loves you unconditionally, He is right by your side, and He has so much good in store for your life!⁣⁣
๐Ÿ™ Father, I thank You for always being with me—in the good times and also when life gets really difficult.⁣⁣
+Please help me to draw closer to You when the storms are raging and life doesn’t make sense.⁣⁣
+Let me receive Your supernatural comfort. I know You are right here with me, and You will work everything out for my good. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿค๐ŸŒป๐Ÿช„

Saturday, June 18, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for showing me Your mercy and faithfulness. You are my healer, restorer, rescuer, conqueror, and provider.⁣
+You give me Your strength, joy, peace, and love. No one compares to You. You are my God, and You are worthy of all my praise! In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿค

Friday, June 17, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for being my strength and my defense. You are always reliable and Your promises to me are always secure.⁣
+I have nothing to fear because You are with me. You protect me, strengthen me, and go before me.⁣
+You are all I need because You are my salvation. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿค๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿช„

Wednesday, June 15, 2022


+I patiently waited, Lord, for you to hear my prayer. You listened.⁣
-Psalms 40:1 CEV⁣
+What are you waiting upon the Lord for? Faith is seen in the waiting. Faith in God leads to steadfast endurance!⁣
+When you don’t understand or feel God is there working, you still keep pressing on.⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for the freedom I get to live in because I know you have everything under control. You give me true peace.⁣
+Today, please help my faith in You to grow so the next time I want to worry, I can trust in You instead. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿค

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


+The truth is that God's goodness doesn't leave when our circumstances change. He's always the same.⁣
+Not only that but God is truly good all of the time. He can't not be good. It's who He is. He's the definition of good.⁣
+When something good happens, God is good. And when something bad happens, He is good.⁣
+As hard as it can be to say that, it's true. Even if and especially when...God is still good.⁣
+It's much like the sun on a cloudy day. We say we can't see it because it's hidden behind clouds. But it's still there.⁣
+The same is true for the hurts and disappointments in our lives. They can cloud us from seeing God's goodness, but rest assured, it's always there because it's who He is.⁣
+It's usually in our disappointments and difficulties when we call into question the goodness of God.⁣
+But turning from God in the midst of our pain removes the only truly good thing from our sad equation God.⁣
+So when we're tempted to doubt and allow our current scenario to dictate what we believe, let's dive into God's Word to remind ourselves of this truth.⁣
+He's a good God. ❣️⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for being the One I can always trust in. Even though what You do surprises the sometimes, I know that You know what's best for me.⁣
+Please help me to be patient when I feel confused, and trust that my life is in good hands. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐ŸŒป

Monday, June 13, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for being my help in times of trouble. Right now, there are things going on around me that are outside of my control.⁣
+Please protect me, help me, and strengthen me. Show me how to cling to You, and give me the rest that my soul desperately needs. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒˆ❣️

Sunday, June 12, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, sometimes I feel afraid and weak. Sometimes I don't feel like I can win the battle that I'm in.⁣
+But You are greater and stronger than anything I can ever feel. Please give me the strength and courage I need today to honor You and advance Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️♥️

Saturday, June 11, 2022


+God will show up in your suffering. God will stand by you when you are suffering.⁣
+He does not run away when you suffer. He does not try to escape your pain.⁣
+I cannot promise you that God will not allow us to go through suffering. Suffering is one way we encounter God.⁣
+I would love to tell you how God will bring you out, but sometimes He wants to bring you through.⁣
+People find fellowship with God during suffering. People connect with a God who can relate to their suffering.⁣
+God will stand up for you when men sit down on you. When the hour came for the Apostle Paul to stand trial, he told Timothy he had no support. "No man stood with me." Paul claimed. But Paul declared that God stood with him when others forsook him. No, you are never alone - even when you are suffering. ☝️⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, You know me. You know what I am facing, and what I’ve already overcome. Please draw near to me right now.⁣
+Please remind me that You are near me. Show me glimpses of Your faithfulness in this season.⁣
+Restore my hope and my joy, and teach me how to place my trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ♡๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒป

Friday, June 10, 2022


+God, thank You for carefully creating me. I was not a mistake—I am a creation You thoughtfully designed. Thank You!⁣
+Today, please help me to see myself the way that You see me. Show me how I can take part in the plans You are preparing me for. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️❣️๐Ÿช„

Thursday, June 9, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, in every situation or season, You are good-and You are God. Nothing is too hard for You.⁣
+Please remind me of that today. Forgive me for the times have been tempted to doubt or disobey You.⁣
+Remind me of Your perfect promises, and teach me how to love like You. In Jesus' name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿช„♥️

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


+God delights in hearing your prayers. But why? Why would your prayers matter? Why would God listen to your ideas? Simple.⁣
+Your prayers matter to God because you matter to God. You aren’t just anybody . . . you are His child. ⁣
+Will God do what you ask? Perhaps. Or perhaps He will do more than you imagined.⁣
+He knows what is best. Regardless, stand firm on this promise: “When a believing person prays, great things happen” (James 5:16 NCV). ⁣
+You are never without hope, because you are never without prayer. You may find yourself in an impossible situation.⁣
+You may feel outnumbered and outmaneuvered. You may want to quit. But for such times, memorize this promise and ask God to bring it to your mind. ⁣
+Prayer is not the last resort—it is the first step. God has power you’ve never seen and strength you’ve never known.⁣
+He delighted in Elijah’s prayer and answered it. He delights in you, and He will answer your prayers as well.⁣
๐Ÿ™ God, I need You. I cannot keep pretending that I have my life together, because I don’t.⁣
+You alone are able to help and sustain me. You alone are able to give me the strength I need to get through each day.⁣
+Today, please show me that You are in control, and that You are enough for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿช„๐Ÿค


+God said of Himself, “I the Lord do not change...” (Malachi 3:6) This unchanging quality is called the immutability...