Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Help me God to overcome my unbelief

แƒฆ In the middle of your wait, you may only be seeing one small puzzle piece of a much greater puzzle.⁣
แƒฆ Your puzzle piece or situation may literally make you feel puzzled, wondering how this will ever fit or be fixed.⁣
แƒฆ But if you step back, take your hands off, and trust God with your situation, He will bring good out of the darkest problems. ⁣
แƒฆ I want Micah 7:7 (NLT) to be the verse I live out: "As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me."⁣
✞ Father God, here I am. You know the hopes and dreams I have for the future. You know the problems I am currently facing, and the struggles I’ve already overcome.⁣
แƒฆ You are with me, and You are for me. Please align my will with Yours as I bring my requests to You today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™☝๐Ÿ™Œ❣

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+God said of Himself, “I the Lord do not change...” (Malachi 3:6) This unchanging quality is called the immutability...