Thursday, December 22, 2022


๐Ÿ™ God, thank You for being everything You are. There is nothing I will ever need that I can't find in You.⁣
+Thank You that You are always at work in my life and circumstances, even when I can’t see it.⁣
+I love those times when I can see Your gracious smile and feel Your presence, but help me to trust You in the night-time as well – knowing You are faithful and working all things together for good in my life. ⁣
+Please help me remember that I was made for a specific reason I was made to worship You! In Jesus' name, Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐ŸŒป๐Ÿช„๐ŸคŽ

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๐Ÿ™ God, You are the foundation upon which I build my life. You are my source of protection and strength....