Sunday, November 27, 2022


๐Ÿ’Œ Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 CHRONICLES 16:11]⁣
+Look to the Lord and His strength. Seek His face.⁣
+That's not bad advice to follow when illness, family concerns, and other battles confront us, because we haven't been left to fight in our own waning energies.⁣
+God is present; God is strong; He's looked after us in the past and will do so again. Our God will get us through.⁣
+God’s love isn’t fickle. It’s constant. He loves the imperfect, the broken, those who are weak and those who mess up.⁣
+When we fall, He’s there to lift us up. We’re His treasure, and we’re so beautiful to Him. ๐Ÿฅบ⁣
๐Ÿ™Wonder-working God, I hand over this battle to You. I trust in Your strength and Your promises. Thank You for Your love for me.⁣
+Thank You for blessing me and for always keeping me near You. Thank You for looking upon me with delight and love.⁣
+Thank You for showing me mercy. Thank You for seeing me through every challenge and bringing me peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ☝️๐Ÿ™Œ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿช„⁣
#goodmorning ๐Ÿ˜Š #happyLORDSday ❣️

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+God said of Himself, “I the Lord do not change...” (Malachi 3:6) This unchanging quality is called the immutability...