Thursday, February 17, 2022

Using Our Disappointment⁣⁣

+But the Lord can be trusted to make you strong and protect you from harm.⁣⁣
-2 Thessalonians 3:3 CEV⁣⁣
+To recover from disappointment, we have to choose to trust God in the midst of it. This isn’t easy at all.⁣⁣
+It’s hard to feel like trusting God when we’re down. But, isn’t this the time to do it? It’s easy to trust in God when you’re experiencing good things.⁣⁣
+It’s when our hearts are broken and we voice our trust and faith in Him that true trust occurs.⁣⁣
+We must move forward and rely on God to bring us through our pain for He’s the only One trustworthy of caring for our hearts.⁣⁣
+Consider these two things as you continue to press through your disappointment.⁣⁣
+Worshiping while we’re disappointed allows us to see the hope He has for us and the eternity He’s waiting to spend with us.⁣⁣
+When we worship, we’re telling God that He’s good even though we don’t fully understand what He’s doing. ⁣⁣
+Now is the time to trust Him to work not only in and through us, but to work in and through our disappointments to bring us closer to Him and the impact someone who’s coming behind us.⁣⁣
+Let’s spiritually pay our pain forward and allow God to redeem every aspect of our lives. ⁣⁣
๐Ÿ™God, right now, I feel anxious and afraid. Please help me to remember that you care about me, and You will take care of me.⁣⁣
+Please help me not to worry, but instead, to trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.๐Ÿ™Œ☝️❤️⁣⁣

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