Monday, February 21, 2022

God will carry you

+Disappointment cloaks you like an oversized winter jacket. It swallows you up. You can’t sleep that night. You blame yourself. You blame God. You just can’t seem to shake it off.⁣
+Maybe you’ve been in this hypothetical scenario or in some situation that is similar. ⁣
+But, friend, remember this truth: God takes you through the valley experiences for a reason. Scripture reminds us in Isaiah 66:9, “In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord.⁣
+A place of disappointment can be a place of blessing. When He allows you to face discouraging circumstances, He has a purpose behind it.⁣
+The question is whether you are allowing God to train you in that difficult season of disappointment.⁣
+If you’re a perfectionist, perhaps this is when God is asking you whether your confidence lies in your own abilities or if you’re relying on Him. ⁣
+If you’re a dreamer, perhaps this is when God is asking you whether your dream has become bigger than God Himself.⁣
+If you’re a planner, perhaps this is when God is asking you whether you’ve charted your own life map or if you’re allowing Him to work out His plans for your life. ⁣
❤️Friend, as you walk through the valley of disappointment, know that God is your Good Shepherd. Know that His grace is sufficient.⁣
❤️Know that He will carry you through. May you see God more clearly and love Him more fully through the disappointments that life may bring.⁣

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+God said of Himself, “I the Lord do not change...” (Malachi 3:6) This unchanging quality is called the immutability...