Sunday, February 6, 2022

Trust God

+God meets us in our suffering and helps us grow in Him. Rather than viewing afflictions as His disfavor, may we look for ways He's using them to sharpen and build our character as we experience His love "poured out into our hearts".⁣
+What needs to change in your heart and mind for you to handle suffering in Jesus' strength? What's one practical way you can persevere through and rejoice in challenges this week?⁣
๐Ÿ™ Father, forgive me for all the times I have labored in my own strength. I recognize that I need You at all times, and I want to abide in You so that I may bear good fruit.⁣
+Thank You, in advance, for giving me more than enough strength, wisdom and creativity to carry out the tasks ahead of me.⁣
+May I find hope and joy in You as You provide what I need. Help me to always lean and rely on You. Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. ๐Ÿ™Œ☝️๐Ÿค

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+God said of Himself, “I the Lord do not change...” (Malachi 3:6) This unchanging quality is called the immutability...